
The Opera Notebook Experience

Posted by Venkatesh Guruprasad on Fri, Apr 05, 2019

Data scientists leverage the power of notebooks every day. They can cleanse, explore, and visualize data within notebooks. They can import their favorite packages, such as pandas, and harness the power of machine learning libraries as well. Clearly, a notebook is more than just a tool, it is the cornerstone of today’s data analytics. However, today’s users access open source notebooks independently of the data platform. As a result of this separation, data must be made accessible within notebooks, and this eats up valuable analytics time. In addition, having insights siloed outside of the platform causes inefficiencies in the journey from model to actionable business insight.

That’s why we created the Opera Notebook Experience. Our notebook functionality is fully integrated with the platform itself. Transition from performing ETL and data cleansing in the platform, to data exploration using Python or SQL in notebooks, with only one click in the UI. This integration creates a faster, sleeker, more efficient notebook experience.  

This is only the beginning! Check back for more details on the Opera Enterprise Notebook, a collaborative notebook for teams, and other exciting updates.

Topics: SoftwareUpdates, OperaNotebook, Integration